Who hasn’t felt a little lazy from time to time? There are days where the most attractive choice is to do nothing. This can be an issue, however, when the desire to be lazy coincides with a lot of pressing obligations.
Overcoming laziness is a skill everyone can learn and apply. Never again will you have to feel motivated in order to get things done.
Overcome laziness by applying these tips:
1. Think about the end result rather than the process.The thought of having a clean house or a completed business report feels good. The idea of cleaning or crunching numbers does not. If you find yourself dragging your feet, concentrate on the end result, and remember the best time to do the work is NOW!
2. Decide to work for just 10 minutes. Taking the first step is the most challenging part. It’s often easy to continue if you can just get started.Setting a small goal can make it easier to get up off the couch. Tell yourself you can quit after 10 minutes. More often than not, you’ll keep going. Focus on getting started.
3. List the advantages of getting things done NOW.Think about the positive aspects of getting things done right NOW. You won’t have to worry about it tomorrow. It will be one less thing to weigh on your mind. Convince yourself that the time for action is right NOW.
4. List the disadvantages of waiting to complete your tasks.One reason we’re able to convince ourselves that laziness is okay is the belief that a task can wait. Remind yourself of the challenges that can be created by putting things off. Make a big list of everything that could go wrong if you continue to be lazy.
5. Remind yourself of the challenges you faced by being lazy in the past.We’ve all put things off for too long and then suffered for it. Remind yourself of the sales you have lost and the real consequences you’ve faced in the past. Remember that pain and use it to inspire you.
6. Have some exciting goals. If you feel lazy on a regular basis, maybe your goals aren’t inspiring enough. One way of knowing you’ve set an effective goal is the excitement you feel when you think about achieving it.
7. Break the task into smaller, manageable chunks. Big tasks can be intimidating and overwhelming. By making several small tasks, it’s much easier psychologically to get busy. How’s the saying go? What’s the best way to eat an elephant..One bite at a time
8. Hit the gym. When you’re struggling to take action, sometimes a little physical activity is the answer. Go for a walk or lift some weights. Any activity that gets your heart pumping can be effective to get you started on a task that you’re putting off.
9. Get organized. It’s common to feel less than motivated when your surroundings are cluttered. Take a few minutes to make your surroundings a little tidier. It might the kick-start you need to leap into action.
10. Manage your self-talk. Tell yourself how great it will be to get a lot of things done and off your plate. Stand up straight, take a deep breath, and keep positive thoughts in your mind. You’ll feel the energy and motivation you need to forge ahead.
Chris Halabeck on Procrastination
The Power of Now is understanding that the best time to do something is NOW. The best time to make a sale is NOW. The best time to get you a job done is now. So do what ever you need to break it down and get it done, because there is no time like now.
For you to understand the Power of Now imagine yourself on a beautiful beach, wouldn’t a Pina Colada be nice. Well when do you want it? Now of course. Wouldn’t a sandwich be nice? When do you want the sandwich… You guessed it NOW!! Utilize the Power of Now in Your life to help you over come laziness and procrastination by deciding that NOW is the perfect time to get it done. Now is the best time for your customer and NOW is the best time for you.