“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”
-Mark Twain
Well I will tell you mister metaphorical person that asks me random questions. “The frog is that one thing that you need to do in a day that you really don’t want to do. It’s the task that makes you cringe just thinking about it, but you have to get it done. We all have frogs in our life and we all intentionally avoid eating them. “

“Well Mr Meta,” I said in return,” If you just would have eaten the frog at the beginning of the day, it would be over. You wouldn’t be thinking about or dreading it anymore. You would just be putting it behind you, and moving on. It would have been the worst thing that happened to you today, and so the rest of the day would have been smooth sailing. You would have been able to move on with your life, and every interaction that you had the rest of the day would have been much better.

“Well there Mr M. so you have two frogs. The same rule applies, eat the biggest one first.”
Mr. M., let me cut you off before you say that you hate both frogs equally. It’s not possible to hate two separate things equally; Just like inversely you can’t love two things equally. For example, there are people who love the Beatles and there are people who love Elvis. You can love them both, but not equally. You are either an Elvis person or a Beatles person. Me, I am a Beatles person. So whichever frog is hated the most that’s your first frog.

As always that’s how a Service Ninja does it.