If you have read the book ‘Be A Service Ninja’ you have undoubtedly came across a chapter called ‘Be The Red Ninja’. The Red Ninja is a reference to differentiating yourself and your company in your market place by making your company stick out
I am so excited to say I found Dalton Georgia’s RED NINJA….. Drum Roll Please…….
Turd Ferguson’s Auto Sales Dalton’s #2 car dealership….
Turd Ferguson is a name created by Saturday Night Live in a hilariously famous skit called celebrity jeopardy. By using a name like this, the owner of this car dealership makes their business stick out in your mind and it makes them memorable. Now I am not saying that I will ever buy a car from this company, BUT I WILL always remember this company, and half the battle is getting people to remember you.
The essence of being the Red Ninja is this…. DON’T BE THE SAME!!!! BE DIFFERENT!!! BE UNIQUE!!!! You could be a black ninja like everyone else, but then you will be just one more ninja in a sea of black ninjas. Decide to do something crazy and outrageous, be a RED NINJA!!! When I look around at all the home service companies they all say the same thing….. We are different because we are high quality. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN! Can you name one company out there that says they are low quality? Have you ever heard a company say “Hey we suck, but we are cheap”? NO you haven’t. How does a customer know the difference? That’s right, they don’t know the difference. Quit trying to say you are better and shift your focus to being different. Decide what is important to you and be that. Maybe your company is small and fast, maybe your company has a cause like the Pink Plumbers in Atlanta Georgia that dedicate a ton of profits every year to breast cancer research, maybe your just a bunch of down home country boys like Country Boys Plumbing in Burnett, Texas. Be whatever you want your company to be, just dont be the same.