The Red Ninja Strikes Again!!!

If you have read the book ‘Be A Service Ninja’ you have undoubtedly came across a chapter called ‘Be The Red Ninja’.  The Red Ninja

Sometimes it is Hard to be Remarkable

Business is hard….. Life is hard….. Raising kids and maintaining a strong family life is hard……. The lessons we learn are often learned at a

Connect a Customer with a NEED!

The other day I found myself wanting some chicken salad. So I headed to the Royal Farms store, after all they had the best chicken

Flipping Soil

People ask me all the time, how did you manage to write an entire book? My answer is simply by flipping soil When I was

The Power of the Positive Mind

There is a saying that I like “Nothing positive was ever created from something negative.” The very nature of the positive mindset is to spread


Yak Shaving is a term invented by Joi Ito Let me explain the term as I understand it. It’s when you attempt to do something

We are Better

I was recently doing an introductory interview with a company. When I asked the owner, what is your company known for he said “We are